Intrepid Network, Inc. is extremely grateful for all the recognition we receive from our clients, colleagues, and the community.

1st Place/Gold Readers' Choice Award
Peninsula Beacon - San Diego Community News Group
1st Place/Gold Readers Choice Award for Website Design & Development.
Awarded by the Peninsula Beacon - San Diego Community News Group.

Named Among the Best Web Design Firms in San Diego - Helps Small Business Owners Make the Right Buying Choices.
Researchers at conducted a 40-hour assessment of over 49 companies across the city placing Intrepid Network Inc. in the Top 15.
Awarded by

Best Web Designer in San Diego
Expertise - Connecting People with the Best Local Experts
Expertise Looked at 116 Web Designers serving San Diego and Picked the Top 41.
Awarded by Expertise

Intrepid Network Honored by Clutch for Position Among Top Performing Agencies in California
Clutch (Firms that Deliver)
Clutch has recently released rankings of the top B2B companies in all 50 states, and Intrepid Network is included in California creative and design category. We are incredibly proud to be featured on their list of the best creative agencies and web designers in California!

Editor's Pick - Haleakala National Park - Photo by Josh Utley of Intrepid Network Inc.
Fstoppers (online community aimed at educating and inspiring photographers, videographers, and creative professionals)
Fstoppers was started in 2010 by founders Patrick Hall and Lee Morris, Fstoppers has grown into one of the top resources for photography lighting, gear reviews, business tips, behind-the-scenes, and industry news.
Today the website reaches over 1.5 million photographers and averages around 6 million pageviews a month. Fstoppers has been featured on NPR, The Huffington Post, Resource Magazine, Mashable, Gizmodo, Tech Crunch,, Facebook Business, Vimeo Staff Picks, Adobe, Life Hacker, ABC News, BuzzFeed, and many other industry-leading news outlets.

Photograph "Ocean Beach San Diego" Won in the U.S. Pacific Coast and Alaska Category
ASBPA (American Shore & Beach Preservation Association)
Photograph "Ocean Beach San Diego" won in the U.S. Pacific Coast and Alaska category in Shore & Beach Magazine.

Promotions Award
Ocean Beach Promotion Committee
For producing the outstanding OBMA 40th Anniversary Timeline Video.

U.S House of Representatives Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
Scott Peters, Member of Congress, 52 District, California
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for our tireless dedication and leadership on behalf of Ocean Beach.

California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition
Todd Gloria, California State Assembly, 78th District
Ocean Beach MainStreet Association Special Service Awarded for our hard work and our tireless effort of promoting Ocean Beach and invaluable service to the community.

State of California Senate Certificate of Recognition
Honor issuer Senator Toni G. Atkins, 39th District
Certificate of Recognition and congratulations for outstanding service and commitment to Ocean Beach helping to make OB a great place to live, work and play.

The City of San Diego, State of California, Certificate of Recognition
Kevin L. Faulconer, Mayor, San Diego, California
Certificate of Recognition for our dedicated service and promotion of Ocean Beach.
3rd Place/Gold People's Choice Award
Peninsula Beacon - San Diego Community News Group
3rd Place/Gold People's Choice Award 2018 for Photography. Awarded by the Peninsula Beacon - San Diego Community News Group at the Ocean Beach Street Fair & Chili Cook-Off.

2017 Special Award
Barbara Iacometti, President of Ocean Beach MainStreet Association
Special Award for tireless dedication to promoting Ocean Beach through our work on the Ocean Beach Main Street Association website.
2nd Place/Gold Readers' Choice Award
Peninsula Beacon - San Diego Community News Group
2nd Place/Gold Readers Choice Award 2015 for Website Design & Development. Awarded by the Peninsula Beacon - San Diego Community News Group. This is the fourth year in a row in which Intrepid Network Inc. received this award.

Outstanding Web Site Design
Ocean Beach MainStreet Association
Outstanding Web Site Design presented by the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association.

Special Commendation
City of San Diego
Received Special Commendation for Volunteering to redesign the OBMA Web Site, presented by the city of San Diego - Kevin Faulconer, Council Member, Second District.

ManTech PIP Award
Executive Director
ManTech PIP award for the corporate website redesign.