The Imperial Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau is organized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Imperial Beach area so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic, commercial, cultural, industrial, social, and educational interests of the area.
The Imperial Beach Chamber is composed of business and professional people, working together to improve their community and quality of life. They have joined together to speak as one voice to achieve certain objectives. The Imperial Beach Chamber of Commerce, with the support and help of each and every member they represent, supports the economic vitality of the Imperial Beach Business Community.
The Imperial Beach Business Improvement District (BID) is responsible for stimulating the demand for goods and services available, facilitating the beautification of places and cultural enhancement within the Imperial Beach BID.
Intrepid Network was hired in 2012 to redesign and perform technical and content updates to the IB Chamber and Business Improvement District website. The website is primarily a member directory where each member may pay and renew membership fees. Each member is listed with their own profile that includes their contact information.
Events, board meeting minutes, and newsletters are added to the website on a monthly basis. Intrepid Network provides assistance with these content updates as well as technical updates that keep the website functionality current with new releases. Intrepid Network recently redesigned the website to give it a more current look and feel along with a responsive layout that enables the website to be more user-friendly on mobile devices as well as desktop computers.