Website Hosting

Hosting is not as simple as you may think. A lot of factors go into determining how much your hosting will cost. How many people visit your website, how much bandwidth you will have, and how much storage you need are all factors. Additionally, you will need your server to perform and that is not what you will get with a lesser solution. We've endured the headaches so you don't have to. Let Intrepid Network guide you in determining the best and most applicable solution for your business needs.

As an Intrepid Network customer, you benefit from our partnerships through special discounts and incentives. Get the peace of mind that comes with knowing your critical IT needs are in the expert's hands.

Our hosting solution provides services such as continuous site monitoring, phone notification, hacker protection, daily backups, and rapid upgrades -- all on a brand name, high-powered servers dedicated to their website and online applications.

We manage all aspects of your servers for you. This allows tasks that are overlooked or drain corporate IT resources such as software updates and patches to be performed regularly and complete maintenance logs can be kept.

Let's discuss your project and how Intrepid Network can help.
